ZL7ARM/2131 Btc ARM NXP-module; ARM NXP, LPC2131; Works with: ZL9ARM

Part Nnumber
ARM NXP-module; ARM NXP, LPC2131; Works with: ZL9ARM
Basic price
18,78 EUR

The product with part number ZL7ARM/2131 (ARM NXP-module; ARM NXP, LPC2131; Works with: ZL9ARM) is from company Btc and distributed with basic unit price 18,78 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc, Weight is 0.08 Kg.

Type of accessories for development kits ARM NXP - module Operating voltage 5V In the set CR2032 3V lithium battery Associated items ZL9ARM

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(keyword ZL7ARM/2131 Btc ARM NXP-module; ARM NXP, LPC2131; Works with: ZL9ARM)
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